Очень темный (черный со вставками зеленого) шаблон для музыкальных блогов на wordpress.
В шаблон уже встроены блоки AdSense, что позволяет быстро поставить свой блок и начинать зарабатывать.
Как понятно из превью тема переведена на русский язык.
От авторов:
Music can be easily heard everywhere in our life. Music is a form of art which involves audible sounds and silence. Music can be used for aesthetic or artist, entertainment, communicative and ceremonial purposes. Our life seems to be more charming due to the existence of music. Are you a music fan? There are a variety of music types in the world, such as, classical, popular, jazz as well as light music and many more. We depend on music. We even can not imagine what the life will become if there is no music.
This clean and fresh music template is compatible with latest WordPress versions and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.
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